Giving Tuesday

Team, I know it's been a long time. I... have started so many posts, only to get caught up in the "real life" pull that is going on. However, just like every fall I have been voraciously reading something that seems to fall out of my life a bit more during the summer. However, I... Continue Reading →

The Mighty Pens 2018

I'm writing in NaNoWriMo, and sponsoring The Mighty Pens, which will raise money for this wonderful organization. Come check out the blog post for more information, and why I love it.

Preptober 2018

Okay. Here's something I've wanted to share with you all for a while. Not only am I a giant bookworm, but words in general are a passion of mine. Now as the leaves start to turn, it's perfect timing to add in my new section, Writing Wednesdays. I've felt nervous talking about writing, it's something... Continue Reading →

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